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5 Next Steps for Course Administrators

next step, steps, planning, plan, organize, save time, set up, roles

Updated over a week ago

We're so glad that you'll be running Alpha this season! Here are 5 steps to help the Alpha Course Administrator find key resources, save time, and organize a worry-free Alpha. After you've created your Alpha, click into your Alpha and go through these steps.


In the "What's Next" tab, you'll see links to resources for each upcoming Alpha session. This section will update each week. If you prefer minimal information, this is where you can download the next video, the next list of questions for leaders, and the next outline for guests.


You'll find our recommended order of sessions here. Customize the online schedule so that the dates match up with each session of your Alpha (eg. if you need to skip a week because of a holiday).

Each week, we will email you and your team the quick links to each resource along with top tips and key reminders. (Youth teams do not receive a weekly email.)

Top Tip: Please check the date of your last session (the "end date") because this is when your Alpha will move from your Dashboard to the "Completed Alphas" section. If you're still running Alpha but don't see it on your Dashboard, let us know. We can reactivate it for you!


  • Promote to Church: Use the Sunday Service Guide for ideas to inspire your church to invite people to Alpha. Share the 11:02 Prayer Cards and provide guest invitations customized with your Alpha start date & time. Show the "Who will you invite?" video for inspiration.

  • Promote to Guests: Share guest invitations, social media images, banner images, and inspirational story videos (40 ways to promote Alpha)

Please note: Alpha Canada provides over 50 templates for you to share digitally or to print (in-house, at a local print shop, or through an online printing service). We do not print, sell, or ship promotional resources. We're here to help if you have any questions. 👍


If you prefer to see all the resources at once, you can browse through all the videos and handouts (rather than individual weeks in the "What's Next" section).

  • Training videos: Watch and discuss the 2 team training videos together.

  • For your team: Print the Team Guide discussion questions & info sheets.

  • For your guests: Print or share the handouts for guests (Guest Guide).

  • Alpha videos: Download and watch the videos with your guests. Send the video share link to guests who missed a session.

The Alpha Team Guide includes includes administrator reminders, key concepts, and discussion questions for each week (more info).

The Alpha Guest Guide includes the topic outline & notes for each week, Bible verses covered in the video, prayer of invitation (pg 26), and a list of books about various Christian topics in the "Recommended Reading" section (more info).

5 - TEAM

  • Prayerfully choose team members and match roles with gifts (team role info).

  • Under the "team" tab, add your team's email address. They will receive an email to log in with their own email address and password.

  • Team members will be able to: see the online schedule, preview the talks, download promotional materials (to invite their friends), and review the small group questions. 

  • Alpha leaders & team members will receive the same weekly email with top tips and resources for the upcoming week! (How to add team members)

Course Administrators, please do not add yourself to the Team section. This will change your access level. If you did this by mistake, please message us!

Team Role: If your host/helper shows up as a "Course Administrator" in your Team section, it is because that's the role they chose when they created their own account (eg. maybe they hosted a Home Alpha with friends in past years). Please ignore the role in the Team section. They are all hosts & helpers.

Bonus: The Learning Centre

Now that you've set up your Alpha, grab a coffee (or tea!) and take a few minutes to go through the additional videos and articles in the Learning Centre. You'll find this link in the sidebar on the left-hand side. We recommend starting with the 7 Best Practices playlist!

On a mobile device, click on the 3 dots above "More" in the bottom right corner and then choose "Learning Centre" to see the playlists.

Save this link to log in to MyAlpha anytime:

Recommended for you! 🎉

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