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What do you recommend after Alpha is finished?
What do you recommend after Alpha is finished?

follow up, Bible study, discipleship, what's next, life worth living

Updated this week

Life after Alpha is bigger than just another course. We hope guests will continue their faith journey, become part of a local church community, and begin serving in some capacity. Here are some ideas, and scroll below for links to specific resources:

1. Invite guests to serve on the next Alpha team.

Over the years, we have seen Alpha guests serve as helpers, and many become empowered and eager to serve as Alpha hosts! Recommend a role that best matches their interests and gifts (technical help, kitchen team, small group helper etc). Encourage guests to bring a non-Christian friend to the next Alpha!

Top Tip 💡Consider running Alpha again but in a different context. Sometimes guests feel more comfortable meeting in a neutral setting than in a church. Alpha has been run with great success in coffee shops, a gym, a motorcycle shop, community centres, a hockey rink, etc. Where is God calling you?

​2. Invite Alpha guests to join a small group/home group.

Look for ways to provide the same environment that guests enjoyed while attending Alpha—like fun, talk, discussion, and prayer. Meet every week (or two) on the same day and time for consistency and provide an atmosphere that is casual and friendly.

3. Plan social events together.

Encourage Alpha guests to exchange contact information and to meet together regularly. Help them connect with people who have the same interests. Meet up for coffee or plan an outdoor weekend activity like a hike or BBQ.​​​

4. Attend Sunday service together.

If Alpha participants are not churchgoers, small group hosts can suggest meeting up and going as a group so it is less intimidating. Introduce them to your friends and go for coffee afterwards to discuss their experience at the church service. ​​​​

5. Keep guests connected.

If you or your church are active on social media, invite your guests to stay connected so they know what’s happening in your church community. Ask if guests want to be part of a Whatsapp group to keep in touch. Follow Alpha Canada on social media for updates (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn). ​​​

6. Chat with your pastor or leadership team about your church's discipleship strategy.

There are many one or two-year discipleship programs to help Alpha guests get connected and grounded in the church community. Consider using one of the resources listed below to ensure that guests continue meeting up together or with others.

On average, you will need to run Alpha 7 times to work out how Alpha fits your context. It also takes about this long for the percentage of non-churchgoing guests to exceed the percentage of churchgoing guests.

Over time, running Alpha will spark an even greater culture of hospitality and invitation as new leaders are empowered and God does something new in your church! (Run Alpha Handbook, p. 59)

Resources that churches have used after Alpha

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Run Alpha at your local prison!

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