1 - Alpha videos in 59 languages
Currently, Alpha videos are available in the following languages; some are dubbed or with subtitles. Please register your Alpha course for access to all materials.
2 - The new Alpha Youth Series in 9 languages
The NEW Alpha Youth Series was launched on November 14, 2024 with English audio and subtitles in English, Indonesian, Korean, Malay, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, and Thai. More subtitle options will be available in the new year. Click here for more info.
3 - Chinese Alpha videos
The Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS):
For 18+ / 11 weeks / hosts Pastor Cai Songhui, Rui Tao, Liao Zhi
Video audio: Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien
Subtitles: Simplified or Traditional Chinese
Alpha Next Gen:
For 18+ / 15 videos / hosts Chapman Fu & Matches Mak
Cantonese (original): Traditional or Simplified Chinese subtitles
Mandarin (dubbed): Simplified Chinese subtitles
Alpha Cantonese Teens Series (ACTS):
For 13-18 yr olds / 11 weeks / Matches Mak & Lan Zhenzhen
Cantonese audio: Traditional Chinese subtitles
For more info about all Chinese Alpha series, please visit alphacanada.org/cn.
To register a Cantonese or Mandarin Alpha course and see ALL the video options, please change the webpage language to "Cantonese粵語" or "Mandarin普通话" in the top right corner of your screen.
4 - Course registration for different languages
If you are running one Alpha in two languages, please register TWO Alphas (eg. one Alpha in English and one in Farsi). Then you will receive all the corresponding materials in that specific language.
1 - First, please log in and click on "Register new course."
2 - The language that you choose will dictate the video audio language. For example,
English audio with Japanese subtitles = choose English as your primary language
Japanese audio with English subtitles = choose Japanese as your primary language
For video subtitles, please click here for details and screenshots.
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