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Alpha Weekend/Day Together Info

Team Roles, Alpha Day, activities, schedule, retreat, Spirit, time away, 7 best

Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Alpha Weekend is an opportunity for guests to have the unhurried time, space, and environment needed to process and reflect on what they have been learning.

Besides watching four Alpha videos about the Holy Spirit, relationships are deepened and lives are impacted by specific times of prayer. The Alpha weekend retreat takes place right after week 7 about God's guidance (or week 6 for Alpha for Youth).

Top Tip 👍 We always want to show the videos about the Holy Spirit before the video about evil. This sequence is strategic as we want Alpha guests to feel confident in the power and protection of God before learning about Satan and spiritual warfare. This is a key reason why the retreat is not at the end of Alpha.

Alpha Weekend In Person:

1 - Watch and discuss the Prayer & the Alpha Weekend video (30 min) with your whole team and spend some time in prayer together. (Alpha Youth video: click here)

2 - Read through the Alpha Team Guide for 3 keys to praying with guests and for a list of Bible verses that you can use to pray with guests (page 23). For youth, please watch the Alpha Youth Day Briefing video (Sessions Six & Seven).

3 - Download the Weekend Planning & Prep checklist. See ideas below for activities during free time.

4 - Use the Alpha Guest Intake Form to customize your own digital or print form.

5 - Plan & customize your Alpha Weekend/Day Schedule (3-day schedule here).

Top Tip 👍 If you are doing an Alpha Day Together instead of a full weekend, one idea is to show only 3 of the 4 videos on your Alpha Day and then add an extra week to your Alpha to show the last weekend video!


- Swap spaces with a local church for a different atmosphere.

- Go to a friend's house if they have a large living room or lounge space.

- Book an Airbnb log cabin, beach house, or country villa.

- See if your local community centre has a private room to rent (for Alpha Day).

- Book a retreat centre nearby—close enough for guests to drive back & forth if they can't stay overnight.

- Check with local camps, universities, and Bible colleges; some rent out their cabins or dorms in the off-season.

- Ask your Alpha leaders if someone has a condo amenity room to rent out for an Alpha Day.


- Organize friendly group games like soccer, football, badminton, etc.

- Provide a Prayer Box where guests can write down their prayer requests.

- Share a guided meditation Bible app (eg. Cultivate Connection).
- Print & share the Father's Love Letter or the Lord's Prayer.
- Arrange Board Games, Puzzles, Charades, or a Scavenger Hunt.
- Encourage guests to read Psalm 23 and write their own prayer to God.
- Provide optional workshops (how to read the Bible, how to pray).

(Ideas submitted by churches across Canada)

Alpha Weekend Online:

Please log in to MyAlpha to access these and even more resources!

Chat with an Alpha Coach! If you have questions about your Alpha Day or Weekend, or need help with dates or schedules, our Alpha Coaches would be happy to help you! Book a call here:

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