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How can I pray for my Alpha each week?

prayers, weekly, items to pray for, prayer team, prayer ministry, 7 best

Updated over 2 months ago

Prayer is absolutely vital for a successful Alpha! Pray throughout the week for some of the items listed below. Also, on the day of your Alpha session, gather with your Alpha team before guests arrive. Go over the order of events, highlight any changes, check in with your team, and pray. Here are some items to pray for:

Week 1 - Is there more to life than this?

  • Pray that nothing will prevent Alpha guests from attending

  • Pray for guests who are unsure, to have the courage to join in

  • Pray for the MC, to be welcoming and engaging so guests feel at ease

  • Pray for Alpha table hosts & helpers to be inviting and feel confident

  • Pray for the health and safety of all team members and their families

  • Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit

Week 2 - Who is Jesus?

  • Pray that guests will have a new understanding of who Jesus is

  • Pray for the Alpha team to work together in unity

  • Pray that guests will return and for new guests to join

  • Pray that guests will see their need for God and a greater purpose in life

  • Pray for small groups to gel, have fun, have meaningful conversations

Week 3 - Why did Jesus die?

  • Pray that guests would know and feel the love of Jesus

  • Pray for any team members & guests who are dealing with guilt and shame

  • Pray for team members & guests struggling with forgiveness (towards others or themselves)

  • Pray that healthy friendships would be formed between leaders and guests

Week 4 - How can I have faith?

  • Pray for guests who have never come to faith in Jesus, that they would have a life-transforming encounter tonight (see sample prayer below)

  • Pray for guests with a lapsed faith, to draw close to Jesus once again

  • Pray for hosts and helpers, to facilitate the small group discussion with the help of the Holy Spirit

Week 5 - Why and how do I pray?

  • Pray for guests & team members who struggle with prayer because of traumatic life experiences

  • Pray for guests & team members to take one step deeper in a daily prayer time

  • Pray for open and honest conversations in the small groups

  • Pray for guests to make space in their schedules for the Alpha Weekend/Time Away

Week 6 - Why and how do I read the Bible?

  • Pray for guests & team members to have a growing hunger for God's Word

  • Pray for all to set aside a dedicated time to read the Bible each week

  • Pray for guests to commit to and be excited about the Alpha Weekend/Time Away

  • Pray for thought-provoking and engaging conversation tonight in each small group

Week 7 - How does God guide us?

  • Pray for all who are in need of guidance, that they will turn to God

  • Pray for anyone who feels like they’ve made a mess of their lives; to experience God's love, acceptance and forgiveness

  • Pray for the logistics of the Alpha Weekend/Time Away as teams plan & prepare

  • Pray for prophetic words and pictures to help guide the time of prayer ministry

  • Pray for the families of the guests & team to be protected from injury or sickness

Alpha Weekend/Time Away

  • Pray for those organizing the details for the Alpha Weekend/Time Away

  • Pray against any distractions or obstacles to join the Alpha Weekend

  • Pray for the hosts & helpers as they pray over and with guests, listening to and leaning on the Holy Spirit

  • Pray for guests to encounter the presence, peace, and power of our Lord Jesus Christ and to be filled with the Holy Spirit

  • Pray for great times of laughter, authentic Christian community, and a strong sense of connection to each other and to God in prayer

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to reveal the love of the Father and that it will grow and bear abundant fruit

    Download the Alpha Canada Pocket Prayer Booklet and share it with your team!​​

Week 8 - How can I resist evil?

  • Pray for guests and teams to be protected from the evil schemes of the enemy

  • Pray they will recognize the devil's lies about God and who we are in Jesus (identity)

  • Pray for all who participated in the Alpha Weekend/Time Away and continued growth

  • Pray for the guests who are still searching, to experience Jesus and new faith in him

  • Pray for those who are suffering, going through temptation, and feeling burdened by the evil in the world

Week 9 - Why and how do I tell others?

  • Pray that table leaders and guests will be filled with love to reach out to neighbours and those who are far from God

  • Pray for the next Alpha, for guests to invite their friends to give it a try

  • Pray that God will soften the hearts of future Alpha guests; to be receptive to invitations to Alpha

  • Pray for joy to fill the hearts of each Alpha guest and team member

Week 10 - Does God heal today?

  • Pray for the time of prayer ministry that follows the video tonight

  • Pray for God to move in power tonight, for breakthroughs and miracles

  • Pray for protection over the evening: for the technology to work, for no obstacles or distractions that would prevent guests or hosts from attending Alpha

  • Pray for great faith and boldness in those praying and those receiving prayer

Week 11 - What about the church?

  • Pray that guests will want to continue meeting after this last session of Alpha

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to show Alpha guests the next step in their faith journey

  • Pray that God will continue to renew hearts and minds in the lives of guests and team members

  • Pray that guests will feel welcome to join the church community on Sundays and Home Groups and find other ways of being involved

Top Tip: Prayer is one of Alpha's 7 best practices. Watch the short video clip in the Learning Centre about prayer for more ideas about praying with your team, praying for guests, and creating a dedicated Prayer Team.

Prayer of Invitation

At the end of Episode 4 (Faith) of the Alpha Film Series, the host leads guests in a prayer. There is also a prayer in the Alpha Guest Guide that you can customize and pray with guests as the need arises:

Lord Jesus Christ, I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life (take a few moments to ask his forgiveness for anything particular that is on your conscience).

Please forgive me. I now turn from everything that I know is wrong.

Thank you that you died on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and set free.

Thank you that you offer me forgiveness and the gift of your Spirit. I now receive that gift. Please come into my life by your Holy Spirit to be with me forever.

Thank you, Lord Jesus.


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