The Complete Guide to Running Alpha Online provides an A-Z walkthrough of our best learnings. In addition, the Alpha Online playlist in the Learning Centre includes short video clips that are about 2-4 minutes long.
Be sure to log in first and then click on the titles below.
Communicate before Alpha starts
Introduction & technical info
Invitation to share right away
Messages in the chat window
Clear & close up faces
Creative hospitality
(Download the 5 Tips for Inviting Guests pdf)
Roles covered in the video:
o MC to host, intro & transitions
o Hosts & helpers
o Technical helper
o Prayer Team(Click here to download the Team Roles pdf)
(Click here to download the Team Guidelines pdf)
Connect with your team each week
Team Training videos (Essentials, Small Groups, Prayer Ministry)
Introductions and names
Importance of Alpha helpers
Tips for engaging conversation
Two formats (screen share & watch together or share link & watch on own)
Top tips for technical issues
Necessity of all the Alpha talks
Power and dependence on God
Prayer with your team
Case study: Church in Malaysia shares their model
Saturday (2.5 hrs) 10:30 am - 1 pm
Included small group discussion
Invitation to become a Christian
Walkthrough of prayer ministry
Opportune time in history
Vulnerability in virtual space
Availability and comfort for guests
Tips for engaging conversation
4 tips for hosts and helpers
3 group guidelines (P.R.E.)
3 common challenges for Alpha small groups
Tips before you post info online
Communicating with guests
5 things to avoid
(Click here to download the pdf: Zoom Security)
Please log in to MyAlpha and click on the "Learning Centre" to access these resources and the other modules to run a great Alpha!
If you have questions about anything at all, please send us a message through the chatbox in the bottom right-hand corner of our website, or email us at and we'd be happy to help you!